Northumberland PRU Vision and Values

Here at Northumberland PRU we uphold the ideal of inclusion in its broadest sense and seek to involve all stakeholders in achieving this.


As a team, we aim to stimulate re-engagement, participation, interest and achievement by providing bespoke educational intervention programmes, pupil-centred planning and solution focused support – ultimately leading to successful educational integration.


We endeavor to provide a safe, nurturing, community based environment that facilitates a personalised holistic approach to learning enabling pupils to reach their potential.


At Northumberland PRU we believe:

  • Quality teaching and learning comes first;
  • Everyone should feel safe;
  • Everyone is special and has something to offer;
  • Diversity and individual differences are to be celebrated;
  • Everyone should be treated with respect and consideration;
  • We should listen and learn from each other;
  • We should take pride in ourselves and our surroundings;
  • Enthusiasm and effort lead to success;
  • Hard work, effort and service is rewarded;
  • Staff, pupils, parents and management committee members work together as a community to realise our potential as individuals and as a whole;
  • We make visitors welcome.


At Northumberland PRU we promote the basic British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.